The Project Assignment

Paper Chase 2006 began as a project assignment for the Designing the Future Class, Special Topics in Viscom 459A. Students began with a problem to solve and gradually as ideas came together, they presented the plan to implement their idea in on the campus, rather than simply project a solution in theory only. The students were responsible for working to transform these ideas into a practical application of an advertising campaign. The images list the initial project assignment #3 and follow up assignment #4. The text of the assigment is printed below.

DesigningThe Future
IADT Chicago
Merry-Beth Noble
Project 3
Due 4th Wk, 5/3
The First Problem of Waste:
Paper Trail – A Campaign to Market Responsible Use
Life in the present is a direct result of those who came before us. We suffer or benefit from our predecessors’ behavior. Wanting to leave the world in good condition for those who come after us is responsible behavior. This responsibility can also translate into design. We can learn from past mistakes, and profit from creative thinking. A brighter future starts with each of us taking small steps forward.
An important aspect of this class is to identify problems and work towards creative solutions. A problem that is occurring right here on campus is an extraordinary use of paper, which includes a large amount of wasted paper that is either thrown away or placed in the “recycle” bin. It is unclear how/if the paper is actually recycled. This condition is especially troubling because of the IADT’s emphasis on technology and electronic communication to save paper.
Your task is to solve the problem of the paper mis-use, or over-use with a new practical idea, and then advertise the idea in a marketing campaign. You will first work in groups to brainstorm the idea. Then individuals will develop materials to create to sell their concept. The materials can be very open, and students may use the media of their choice. The group work will simulate a real life team approach to problem solving that is commonly used in the field. May the best idea win.
Project Guidelines:
1. Students will break into brainstorming groups of 3 – 4 people.
2. Develop your solution as a group, and decide on the materials you will create.
3. After your idea is approved, create your individual parts of the campaign.
4. We will critique the projects as a class and determine if they will be placed “in situ” or if they are strong enough to be implemented at IADT.
5. Research carefully the conditions of your projects before you start.
6. Your solution could be very practical or very outlandish depending on your goals.
Try to use your personal strengths to assist the group. Also work to develop a project in your area of interest so that you can use the work to contribute to your portfolio. If you are stuck, look at other people’s work, or your textbook for ideas…
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