Adopt A Paper Campaign

One student team led by Brendan Inskip, Lynnea Smith and Brenda Iniguez developed the idea of the "Adopt a Paper" sub-campaign to Paper Chase 2006. The concept was described by poetry and images that personified the paper on small flyers were posted all over the campus. Metaphors and situations for the paper included a broken love affair, an abandoned dream, and forgotten idea stuffed in an old notebook.

One of the most successful, humorous and endearing aspects to Paper Chase, the posters generated sympathy and feelings for the paper. Also because the flyers were beautiful and placed in unpredictable locations that subverted regular "flyer posting policy" viewers took notice and fell in love with the idea. Some of these posters still remain in their posted location more than six months after the campaign.

In order follow project guidelines, all flyers were printed on the back of already printed material.

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