The Wall of Paper

The second and possibly most effective display was the ever growing "Wall of Paper." Originally titled the "Days of the Week Accumulation Display" it was nicknamed simply "the Wall" as the week went on. Although it was more ambiguous, (less like design and more like art), people responded with interest and amusement to the display. Seven boards in the campus hallway were used as our installation surface. Armed with boxes of paper collected earlier in the week and staplers, the bulletin boards that grew each day as the students applied used paper to the board in thick layers.

("Before" location photographs by David Castro)

An easy project for all the students to work on, everyone had fun building the piece slowly over time. Each day a board would be filled with material. By the end of the week the hallway was filled with the terrific texture and shape of hundreds of sheets of discarded projects, memos and paperwork.
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