Paper Chase 2006 - Concept Idea

Even though Paper Chase originated as a course assignment, the entire class agreed that the level of wasted paper we all were witnessing at the school was very high. After students performed some research, it was clear that most of the damage was being done by the instructors and staff who produced thousands of copies and went through hundreds of pounds of paper each day. Much of the paper used was simply thrown away and not recycled. Also copies were made carelessly, and often double-sided copies were not printed, even though the copy machines could easily make them.

Students decided that they would encourage not only the recycling of the paper, but also the thinking in advance, so that waste would be less before copies were made. It was decided the awareness would be generated by a week long event on campus with a paper conservation theme as the message.

Several campaign strategies were designed to expose the viewer and school community at every turn to the message "think twice before you trash it." It was very important to the group to not create more waste with our production of printed material that advertised the Paper Chase project. All posters and print work projects were printed on the back side of used paper.
Areas of the visual campaign included:
Posters and flyers
Email Messages and Press Release
Portal posting
Computer Animation
Letters to Faculty
Adopt a Paper Campaign
Visual installation displays
See the original text below of the press release and poster:

"Paper Chase 2006
a week-long recycling re-education plan June 5th - June 10th 2006
An IADT community project to promote paper conservation, re-use and recycling.
Paper Chase 2006 is a group project organized by the students and faculty of the Designing the Future class, in the Department of Visual Communications. This is a week-long multi-media awareness campaign is designed to remind the students, faculty and staff to use paper less wastefully. In addition to the emphasis on recycling, Paper Chase 2006 targets the ways we can all use paper materials more responsibly. By making fewer copies, creating double-sided documents, and re-using the back side of already printed sheets, we can all participate and unite to help solve the problem of waste, as we each "adopt one paper at a time."
Things to look for this week:
* Multi-media 3-D display in the lobby area of the 4th floor.
*Days of the Week Accumulation Display on the 5th floor rear bulletin board.
*The "Adopt a Paper" campaign with posters asking us to care about the paper we use.
*New Scratch Paper bins located around printers and copiers.
*Invitation letters to IADT faculty and staff to offer credit incentives to students who turn in work on used paper.
Please join the collaborative effort by conserving the paper you use this week.
We ask you to "Think twice before you trash it."
Whenever possible Paper Chase 2006 documents have been printed on used paper. "
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